Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday... funday?

So it's Super Bowl Sunday and I'm really not into it this year.  My team (Greenbay) isn't playing and I just feel kinda bleh today.  I started my morning out by cruising along on Pinterest hehe and I came across some videos on new product launches from some of the booths at this years CHA.  Man I want to go to CHA next year!!  That's the ultimate goal of the Krazy Krafting Girls - See our blog here:

I feel like we're on the right track but this year I'd like to forge some connections with other crafters/retailers and see if we can work together to build stronger small businesses.  We have the drive, and some resources, and I'm hoping this year we can get the ball rolling along at a steady even pace.  I personally am not looking to take over the world but I'd definitely like to spend more of my energy in the Crafty Arena over anything else. 

On another note, I feel the crafty bug nipping at my heels hehe so I'm gonna get crackin' on that.  I have some Valentines to make and then there's Easter, St. Patrick's Day and of course Mother's day.  Oh how I love the start of the new year with all the creative possibilities. 

I hope everyone has a Happy Super Bowl Sunday and enjoys all of the yummy treats put out for game day =)  I'll be posting my Valentine's soon.