Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Trifecta!!!!!

Okay it's been a little while, I know, but I had to write a little blurb about today.  It's a Trifecta day woot woot. 

HAPPY NATIONAL SCRAPBOOK DAY to all my scrapper/crafter/cardmaking friends

HAPPY FREE COMIC BOOK DAY to all my reading/collecting/action loving friends

HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO to all my drinking buddies (lol well from past days anyway)

Lots of things going on today and I'm ready to get started, stay tuned for some craft-tabulous handmade items from yours truly.  I'll post pics later. 

In the meantime get out and enjoy this beautiful day whatever you do.  This is one of those days that motivitates creativity and literacy, and general merrymaking... who could ask for anything more?